Banff residency
I am excited and humbled to announce that I will be attending a residency titled “In Kind” Negotiations at the Banff Centre in Alberta, Canada from November 3 to December 12, 2014.
I will be working with lead artist, Raymond Boisjoly, and guest artists Arnold Joseph Kemp and Joar Nango, along with a group of other indigenous artists during this visual arts residency. I’m looking forward to our discussions and new friendships.
It will be exciting to make work in a place that I have never visited, especially after wrestling with questions of place and history in my work. I love the quote that begins the residency’s description:
“In the city, he was homesick for those first evenings on the prairie when, long ago, he had been homesick for the city.”
Ragnar Kjartansson at The End in 2009. Image courtesy of