
How to send courage


1 - Make a donation to your local food bank.


Suggested is £5/$5 or the equivalent in food donations to your local food bank.

Apologies for the aggressive tape here…

Apologies for the aggressive tape here…


2 - Email me with:

  • Name & address of the “courage recipient”

  • A screengrab or photo of your donation.

  • A suggestion for a poem or message


3 - Just some notes about postage

  • International postcards are encouraged!

  • FYI: It costs £1.42 to send a postcard to the US / internationally.

    I’m not taking any money for this project, so if you’d like to send a pound or a dollar to put toward postage, that would be pretty cool.

IMG_20200409_173531487 web.jpg

4 - I will mail out their courage.


They will receive a postcard of my Take Courage painting with a handwritten poem (or excerpt) on the back.

“Why a poem?” you may ask. Well, I never quite know what to say to people, and poetry can creates the picture or the feeling I’d like to share with someone.